July 7, 2011

Car seat safety

We are about to begin our search for Brayden's stage 2 car seat.  How exciting...ish! Although he's still a few pounds away from the weight maximum (22 lbs) for our Maxi-Cosi Mico bucket, we want to be sure we're prepared for when that day comes. In fact, I have a feeling he'll be outgrowing the bucket height-wise before weight.
From everything I've read to-date, Canadian recommendations basically state that once your child outgrows the rear-facing car seat, it's time to move into a front-facing car seat.  However, I just read an article about how the US has changed its car seat recommendations to rear-facing until 2 years of age. (Thanks for passing this one along, Heather!) You can read it here.
I think we'll be shopping for a stage 2 car seat that can be secured both rear-facing and front-facing.


  1. Good plan Jen! They outgrow things so fast! We bought a Britax car seat on Heathers recommendation for Riah and then replaced Cadens as well because we liked it so much. Not cheap but very comfortable and very maneuverable. The adjustments never get tied up and it works really nicely rear facing. I actually swiched Riah over at around 8 months just for her own comfort and I was also getting tired of carrying around the bucket (its a workout and a half LOL). Good luck!
    Sarah Schmidt

  2. We bought a three in one, and has been great. However I hear that they are looking at making it that you can't turn the seat around till they are 2. The reason for this has to do with the impact of a car crash on the spinal and neck column. However the new rules are your child must be 1 years old, 22lbs, and walking on their own.

  3. Hi Jen,
    Great blog! My research led us to the Britax Marathon for our 2nd seat. we love it. I also read an article last fall and we are keeping M rear facing until 2yrs.
    Good luck with your choice!

  4. Hey Jen!
    As Sar said, we have the Britax Marathon and LOVE it! It can be used as a rear and forward facing carseat. When researching, we found this brand to be best (Britax).
    We were thinking about going for a booster seat type (and not as lounge chair-ish) but the lady at Toys R Us so wisely told us that a 6 year old will not really want to get into a "baby seat" so we would probably have to buy a big girl booster seat later anyways (the little half seat).
    Avery loves her chair and like Sar said, it never tangles and cleans very easily. We changed Avery over from the bucket at around 8 months and will probably keep her rear facing as long as is comfortable.
    Happy shopping!

  5. We didn't switch Alexei until he was a year old (we also had the maxi cosi, Alexei weighed nothing, hit height limits first). Two sounds a little out of control. Alexei was bored out of his mind when he was one and rear-facing... can't imagine what it would have been like to travel for even ten minutes when he was two and rear facing.
