July 27, 2011

Dirty dozen and the Clean 15

It has been just over two months since introducing solid foods to Brayden and I’m proud to say that I’ve remained committed to preparing my own baby food for him. This process has taught me a lot but one of the biggies has been reading about what lurks within our produce.  If you’re making your own baby food, I recommend reading about the dirty dozen to learn about the produce containing the most pesticide residue. In fact, it might be a good idea to become more aware about what you are putting into your body too.
The Dirty Dozen (the most important to buy organic):
  1. Apples
  2. Celery
  3. Strawberries
  4. Peaches 
  5. Spinach
  6. Nectarines (imported)
  7. Grapes (imported)
  8. Sweet bell peppers
  9. Potatoes
  10. Blueberries
  11. Lettuce
  12. Kale/collard greens
There’s also a list known as the Clean 15. These are the fruits and vegetables with the lowest amounts of pesticide residue.
  1. Onions
  2. Sweet corn
  3. Pineapples
  4. Avocado
  5. Asparagus
  6. Sweet peas
  7. Mangoes
  8. Eggplant
  9. Cantaloupe
  10. Kiwi
  11. Cabbage
  12. Watermelon
  13. Sweet potatoes
  14. Grapefruit
  15. Mushrooms

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