October 6, 2011

10 month weigh-in

Further to our 9 month update post, today I took Brayden to the doctor for his follow up weigh in.  You may recall that I had challenged myself to help Brayden pack on some more weight within the four weeks between doctor visits by adding two formal snacks to his daily eating regimen.  He's been eating like crazy, loving all food offered to him, continuing to nurse 3x/day and drinking lots of water from his sippy cup. Today was the big weigh in and I was disappointed to learn that he had only gained 5oz.  He now weighs 16.7lbs. [Insert feeling of surprise and disappointment here.]  Are you kidding me?  This kid eats A LOT.  Seriously though, I had to ask the NP to repeat his weight because I was in disbelief.
Anyhow, we were told that since he's not wanting to nurse more than 3x/day, that we should start offering him baby formula in the afternoon/evenings to ensure he gets all the necessary calories.  I asked about introducing homo milk instead (he is 10 months after all and has been eating milk-based products for at least a month) but were told to start with the formula for now and next month, at our next weigh in, we will discuss homo milk.  We were sent home with a few sample containers of formula and was told to give Brayden 15 oz/day.
I'm wondering if anyone has any insight on the following:
- Is introducing formula a must at this stage? (I don't really want to start bumping again...)
- Has anyone else received similar direction from their HCP?  How did you/your LO net out?
- Which formula brand is most recommended by you? (We were sent home with Enfamil, Good Start and Similac.)
Thanks for your help!


  1. You know my thoughts on this. He's gaining, not losing, which is what matters. Look at Alexei. He spent most of his life "underweight", and now seems to *finally* be packing on the pounds - ok, the ounces :) I'm pretty sure that he's now in the 30th percentile (stop the presses!!!).

    And of course we all know that Andrew was an ant until he was 17.

    If you don't want to give him formula, don't. Do what feels right to you and Andrew, and most of all, to Brayden!

  2. Oh, also, you know I always supplemented because I didn't produce enough milk. We used Similac. But try all of them, if you choose to, I'm sure Brayden will let you know his preference!

  3. I'm totally with - ahem - anonymous. A lot of silliness as far as I'm concerned, since Brayden has become so much more active it's no wonder he burns off calories and doesn't gain as much. I agree, do what you feel is right for you and Brayden!!

  4. Agree with everyone above. Introducing formula right now is not a must and if you don't think it's right for you I would say don't. We were told by our doctor that we could introduce homo milk at 9 months and then 2% at 12 months. We had no issues with doing this.
    We also used Good Start formula until we switched to homo milk, we didn't do both at the same time.
    And as someone said once they start moving they don't pack on the weight anymore. I wouldn't sweat it-he's eating well and still moving in a forward direction. Mother knows best!!!
