October 12, 2011

A whole lot to be thankful for

It was Thanksgiving this past weekend but you'd never know it by the summer-like weather we had.  Shorts and tank tops, even swim suits, were spotted as we strolled around the neighbourhood each day. On top of the amazing weather, we had a fantastic time visiting with family and enjoying Brayden's first Thanksgiving holiday. To kick it all off, Andrew and I hosted his side of the family for dinner on Saturday.  This was a very exciting occasion for me because it lent itself perfectly to finally setting our new dining room table and using our lovely china for the first time!

We prepared a prime rib roast on the BBQ and served it alongside butternut squash, broccoli and cheese, roasted potatoes and carrots. GG made Yorkshire pudding and my MIL brought homemade apple crisp and a plum cake for dessert. Yum!

The Thomson Family
On Sunday, we joined my side of the family at my parents' house for a big turkey dinner. The weather was still very warm so we took advantage of the beautiful day before heading over for the dinner.
Brayden, held by our neighbour Marnie, admiring our scarecrow.

Brayden and daddy going down the slide at the park.
Upon arriving at my parents' house, Brayden was snagged by my sister Christina.  (It's always a fight for who gets to cuddle with him first at that house.  So funny.)
Brayden and auntie Christina having fun together. 
(She put grandma's Halloween spider headband on him.
How ridiculous but oh so cute.)
My parents have a pack & play set up in one of the bedrooms so we thought it would be a good idea to stick to Brayden's usual bed time routine and put him to bed after his dinner.  Well, I guess he's smarter than we give him credit for because he refused to go to sleep. He must have known he was missing out on dessert ;)  Anyhow, while awake in the playpen, he taught himself how to stand up all my himself!  I was so thrilled and shocked when I saw this for myself... Fortunately, I had my camera on hand!
Brayden pulling himself up onto his feet for the first time!
And now this is his favourite new trick.
Finally, Monday was October 10th marking our second wedding anniversary.  We didn't have anything special planned to celebrate this year so we spent most of the day outside, winterizing the yard and taking Brayden to the park.  I have also been fighting an annoying head cold this weekend and after the busy weekend we had had, I didn't really feel like going out for dinner.  So, after putting Brayden to bed, we brought in sushi and enjoyed a romantic dinner at home while reminissing about our history together and where it's lead us to today. 

Anniversary collage

Thanks for the giant cookie, Meg!
I am so thankful for my amazing husband, my loving family, my supportive friends and my adorable little munchkin head.

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