June 1, 2011


Welcome to my blog!  I guess I should start by providing some history as to why I've decided to start writing... I am a PR practitioner and have spent many hours following blogs and connecting with bloggers on behalf of my clients. The blogosphere is a great place to learn, exchange opinions and connect with people who have similar interests, views or experiences.  Throughout my time working in PR I've done a lot of talking about the impact of social media so, when I found out I was pregnant I decided that while on mat leave I'd join the blogosphere by becoming a 'creator'.  My research into blogs over the years has turned up that "Mommy blogs" are abundant and very popular. It was a phenomenon I couldn't quite wrap my head around until becoming a mommy myself.

It's amazing how quickly my online habits have changed.  As I look back at my search history, it wasn't all that long ago that I was Googling the Toronto club scene, last minute weekend getaways and celebrity gossip. Since becoming pregnant (and now with child) most of my time online is spent looking up resources that help affirm my parenting choices.  That said, there is a lot of information out there, some better than others of course.  But, above all, the one thing I've learned in the six months of being a mom is that there isn't just one right answer. Every baby is unique.  This is a very harsh reality for someone like myself who appreciates being told the right way to doing something, then mastering it.  As such, the motto I've come to live by these days is "whatever works".  It's advice I pass along to any new mom struggling with feeding, sleeping, crying, etc.

So, why am I adding The Chronicles of a First Time Mom to the already rich mommy blogosphere?  I figured it would be a great place for family and friends to keep up on everything Brayden.  I also thought that since there is so much anecdotal advice for new moms out there that I'd add mine to the pot and allow others to consider my experiences when contemplating their own.  Most of all, however; I need to satisfy an intrinsic desire to document my new life as Brayden's mom.  Stay tuned for posts about how I'm spending my days with the little guy, new things I'm trying to help set him up for success, adventures from daddy and family updates.  I hope you enjoy my posts.  Your comments are welcome.
Here we go!


  1. Hey Jen!...Congrats on your blog! Great idea!

  2. Congratulations Jennifer on your little Peanut. Our MacKenzie was also born on November 28 only 1985. Enjoy your little guy!!!! They grow up soooo fast. Mary Clough

  3. Thanks for your note, Mary.It's great to hear from you! I am absolutely head over heels in love with my little man and am so fortunate to spend the first year of his life at home with him.
